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Canadian History Ehx

Aug 31, 2020

Today, my interview with the legendary comedian and Canadian, Tommy Chong, who has spent the past 50 years delighting fans around the world.

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Aug 29, 2020

Without firing a single shot, the Canadian Forestry Corps saved lives and altered the course of the war for the Allies during the First World War. 

Today, we learn the history of this very unique army unit.

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Aug 27, 2020

This episode is sponsored by the Town of Wainwright.

From a national park that saved the bison from extinction, to a 1929 fire that destroyed the community, to the German POW camp that was located nearby, Wainwright has a fascinating history I am going to explore here.

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Aug 26, 2020

While the 1918 Battle of Scarpe would see a few thousand casualties on the Canadian side, it was also a huge victory for the Allies. In all, 3,300 Germans were captured and several kilometres of ground was taken as the war drew to a close.

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Aug 25, 2020

Beaverlodge, located a few hours north of Edmonton, is known for the giant beaver roadside attraction but there is much more to this community than that. 

Today, on this episode sponsored by The Town Of Beaverlodge, I look at the history of the community.

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